Leave Application For Dasara Festival – 5+ Different Format

Dasara is a special festival celebrated in many parts of the world. It’s all about happiness, good food, colorful clothes, and spending time with the people we love.

In this article how to write Leave Application For Dasara Festival.

Leave Application For Dasara Festival

The Principal,
(Your College Name),


Subject: Leave Application of (Your Name) for (Number of Days)

Respected Sir/Madam,

I, (Your Name), a student of class (Class and Section), am writing to request a leave of absence from my classes on (Dates of Leave) due to my participation in Dasara Festival celebrations in (Place Name).

This festival holds significant cultural importance, and attending it will understanding of our traditions. I kindly request your approval for this leave.

Thank you for your understanding.

Yours obediently,
(Your Name),
(Class & Section),
(Roll Number)

Dussehra Leave Application

The Principal,
(College Name),


Subject: Leave application for Dasara Festival

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am (Your Name), a student in class (Your Class & Section). I am writing to request a leave from (Dates of Leave) to celebrate the Dasara Festival in (Place Name). This festival holds great cultural significance, and I believe it is important for me to be a part of the celebrations.

I kindly request your permission to grant me this leave.

Thank you for your understanding.

Yours obediently,
(Your Name)
(Class & Section)
(Roll Number)

Leave Application For Dussehra

The Principal,
[College Name],
[College Address/City]

Subject: Leave Application for Dasara Festival

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am [Your Name], a student of class [Your Class and Section]. I seek your permission to be excused from classes on [Dates of Leave] due to my participation in the Dasara Festival at [Place Name]. This cultural event is significant for my understanding of our traditions.

Thank you for your consideration.

Yours obediently,
[Your Name]

Leave application for dussehra in school

The Principal,
[College Name],
[College Address/City]

Subject: Leave Application for Dasara Festival

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing to request leave from [Dates of Leave] to attend the Dasara Festival celebrations at [Place Name]. As a student keen on cultural activities, this festival is vital for my learning.

I request your approval for this leave.

Thank you.

Yours obediently,
[Your Name]

Leave request for dussehra festival

The Principal,
[College Name],
[College Address/City]

Subject: Leave Application for Dasara Festival

Respected Sir/Madam,

I, [Your Name], a student of class [Your Class and Section], am writing to request your kind permission to grant me leave from my classes on [Dates of Leave] due to my participation in the Dasara Festival celebration in [Place Name].

I kindly request you to consider my application and grant me the necessary leave.

Thank you for your understanding.

Yours obediently,

[Your Name]
[Class & Section]
[Roll Number]

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