How do I get unlimited access to Udemy courses?

Are you interested in learning new skills online without spending any money? You’re in luck! In this guide, I’ll show you how to access Udemy courses for free and even some premium ones.

As an added bonus, I’ll also guide you to courses that already have applied Udemy coupons, so you can easily find all the free courses available.

Let’s get started!

How do I get unlimited access to Udemy courses?

Step 1: Visit

First, go to to start searching for courses. For example, let’s search for “Photography” to find their top-selling photography courses. This process works for all topics on Udemy, including development, business, IT, software, design, marketing, personal development, and more.

Step 2: Apply Filters to Find Free Udemy Courses

After searching for your desired topic, apply filters to find free courses. Scroll down and click on the “Filter” button. You’ll see various filters like ratings, duration, language, topic, and price. Look for the “Free” option and click on it, then click “Done” to apply the filters.

Step 3: Choose Your Free Udemy Course

Once you’ve applied the “Free” filter, you’ll see a list of free courses to choose from. These courses are popular and have high ratings, just like paid courses. They include certificates, on-demand videos, lifetime access, and access on TV/mobile devices.

Additionally, some instructors offer premium courses for free to gain reviews and visibility. Take advantage of these opportunities before they start charging for the courses.

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Other Methods to get unlimited access to Udemy courses

Apart from the above method, there are other ways to find free Udemy courses:

  • Contact the Course Instructor Directly: Some students have had success reaching out to instructors for 100% discount coupon codes, though it’s rare.
  • Search for Coupons on Discount Websites: Be cautious with discount websites as they may provide inaccurate or outdated information.
  • Visit Udemy Instructor Forums: Check forums like Quora and Reddit where instructors may offer free coupons in exchange for reviews.

Final Thoughts

If you know another way to get free Udemy courses, please share it below. I’ll update this article periodically. You can remember, while these methods can help you find free courses on Udemy.

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